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Classic toy3: toy gun

quick sketch of a toy gun

quick sketch of a toy gun

Children have always had small imitations of things from the adult world and toy weapons are no exception. From a hand carved wooden replica to factory produced pop guns and cap guns, toy weapons came in all sizes, prices and materials from wood to metal.

Some are essentially similar to the real thing, but less powerful. Weapons for cutting and stabbing have dull blades usually in plastic. Weapons formerly made out of metal and wood are now often made of a lighter material such as plastic. Toy guns either cannot really shoot projectiles or just soft ones such as cork shooting pop guns or nerf darts with limited velocity.

Gun toys have a bad impression among parents because it might cause harm on the users. But it can be modified so that the gun being harmful could be reduced. This kind of toy are active, competitive, free-play, physical, and can be enjoyed by males only

Toy weapons can cause harm like most objects in the hands of children. BB guns which were sold as toys can and have caused lethal injury, as well as property damage. Unlike most other toys though, much of the danger of these toys is related to mistaking a toy weapon for a real weapon.

As plastic replaced wood and metal in toy weapon manufacture, so did real weapons such as the M-16 start a trend to use plastic in manufacturing modern assault rifles. Current military rifles such as the steyr AUG now resemble children’s toys. Technological advancement also enabled weapons to be the same size of toy weapons. In previous days Colt peacemakers pistols, Winchester lever action rifles, tommy guns and Louis Marx and company children’s versions of the M-1and M-14 were noticeably scaled down in size and unlikely to be mistaken for the real thing.

July 23, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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